Weekly Announcements 3.21.18

Dear Mishpachah [Family]:
The Torah reading for Nisan 8, 5778 is VaYikra [Leviticus] 6:8–8:36 called Tzav meaning “Give an Order or Command” with the Haftarah Reading is from Jeremiah 7:21–8:3. The Writings in Messiah Readings is Hebrews 12:18-29.
Blessed be He who spoke and the world came into being. Blessed be He.
Blessed be He who created the world in the beginning.
Blessed be He who speaks and does it.
Blessed be He who ordains and fulfills.
Blessed be He who has compassion upon the earth.
Blessed be He who has compassion upon His creatures. 
Blessed be He who bestows a good reward upon them that revere Him.
Blessed be His Name. 
Shabbat: Optional Color theme: Black
Torah Service:  10:30 AM-12:00 PM.  Nursery available for ages 5 and under. 
Oneg/Lunch:  12:00-1:00 PM.  The theme is American
Guests, are welcome to stay for Oneg. Members please bring enough food for your family and some to share for our guests. We do not want to run out of food before everyone is fed.  Parents, please be with your children and help with their portions.  After Oneg, your dishes will be put on the small table in the foyer and help with clean-up will be appreciated as we have begun our new time for afternoon services
March Nursery Schedule:  (Mar 24)-Tracy  (Mar 31)-Lauralee.  If unable to work as scheduled, please let Barbara know at 251-367-8592. 
Afternoon Services:  New time>>>1:00-2:30 PM<<<
Congregation Midrash (Open to everyone): Jack will lead a deeper discussion about the week’s Torah portion. 
Women’s Bible Study: (Please get there at 12:45 PM if you are coming later in the day). Bring your binder, CJB, and highlighters!  Details are on our Women’s Bible Study’s FB page. 
Youth Bible Study: Eric Jackson and Bryce will teach youth ages 13 and up. 
Children 12 and under:  Carrie Tarrant and others will help with our children. 
Upcoming Shabbat Cuisine/Color to Wear (if you so desire):
3/31    Open (Please NO LEAVEN (yeast or baking soda), it is start of Passover week)
4/07    Open (Please NO LEAVEN, it is still Passover)
4/14    Southern-Purple/Violet 
4/21    Oriental/Brown
Tuesday Bible Study @7-8:15 PM:  March 20, 2018 we will be teaching the “Davidic Covenant” (page 105) as we continue with the series, “The Eight Covenants of Adonai.”  
Youth Bible Study (13 & up): Eric Jackson and Bryce will teach.
Praise Team Practice 8:15 PM: we will start preparing for Passover Service March 31st.  
Thursday Ladies Exercise Class @10:30 AM. Come and join the fun.  If unable to attend, please let Barb know at 367-8592. 
Food Outreach: Sunday, March 25th with set up 1:45 PM.  Outreach is from 2:00-3:30 PM. 
Passover starts March 30th (Fri) at sundown.  How is everyone progressing with their home Seder? We will have the necessary items and instructions for those who have let Barb know ready for pick-up this coming Shabbat, March 24th.  We have matzah! 

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